The Group
07/02/2014 - MCQ Group is a structure operating in the field of organization and management of companies and Public Administration, in a Global Service sight.MCQ Group is made by specialized and dynamic consultants who are serious and professionally able, which a strong and evident mentality targeted on business organization and management services.
For each consultation service, MCQ Group organize an ad hoc team which is able to ensure great competence on the field interested and multidisciplinary knowledge... Continue »
For each consultation service, MCQ Group organize an ad hoc team which is able to ensure great competence on the field interested and multidisciplinary knowledge... Continue »
12/11/2004 - MCQ Group has the following structure:
- Registered office
- Head office, for planning, research and development;
- Several operating branches.
07/11/2005 - To create a highly organised structure, able to renew constantly to meet the requirements of globalisation
08/10/2004 - To spread the managerial culture to the Client Firms, in order to stimulate them to constant improvement and optimisation of the firm performances
- Raid israeliano su un ospedale a Gaza. L'Idf: 'Un centro di comando di Hamas'. Tende in fiamme: 4 morti, oltre 40 feriti
- Guardiola: "Quando parlo di Roberto Baggio mi emoziono"
- Lo spazio per la sostenibilità, il congresso in Italia
- Libano, l'Idf mostra un presunto tunnel di Hezbollah vicino a base Onu
- Incidente stradale a Potenza, morti tre tifosi del Foggia. Avevno 13, 17 e 21 anni
- Dallo spazzolino alla doccia, il bagno è un vivaio di virus buoni
Where are we
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piazza Europa n° 13 - PALERMO
via Danimarca n° 52 - PALERMO
Tel. 091 527489 - Fax 091 7778650
Email: - Website:
P.IVA: 05901600824