Pasquale Maggiore
General Manager
26/08/1965 - Graduated in Philosophy of Science. He spent six months to deepen his researches at ULB Continue »
Antonio Limina
Sales Manager
19/08/1958 - Specific education in Marketing and sales. He has a long experience in services sales, Continue »
Stefania Di Franco
Marketing and Development Manager
15/12/1975 - Graduated in Political Sciences. She has a Master in International Business and Public Continue »
Chiara Giardina
Project Manager
06/01/1982 - Graduated in foreign languages and literature at the Palermo University, she started her Continue »
Francesco Ardizzone
Engineering and Production Manager
01/08/1970 - Graduated in Statistics and Economic Sciences. Qualified to the profession of statistic Continue »
Serenella Carò
Administration Manager
25/04/1974 - She was professionally born in MCQ Group. Her field is the accountancy of the company Continue »
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