Grants and loans

05/09/2016 - Our consultants can identify the feasibility of a project that could receive public financing. Our experts propose to the Enterprises a project of feasibility, pointing out the different possibilities for their sector, and the type of initiatives that can be financed.The management of projects starts from an initial phase of the study of feasibility and ends with the presentation of the complete application to obtain the requested financing.Moreover, the Firms receive an information service about... Continue »
Accounting Instrument

05/09/2016 - Nowadays, it is increasingly important to have instruments allowing us to check the economic-financial aspects of the firms, in order to have those data which are essential for possible investments aimed at the development of our Firm at our disposal. Through the use of financial management systems, our experts allow the Client Firm to know its own economic, financial and income performance, which is an essential element to identify, define and share a process necessary to reach: FINANCIAL BENEFITS
- Reduction... Continue »
Financial Management

05/09/2016 - A basic element for the enterprise efficiency is the ‘splitting\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' of the enterprise structure into functional areas affecting the enterprise performance as a whole. In this way, it is possible to operate directly on the single components, avoiding waste of resources when searching for problems. The main aim of the consulting action is to obtain management instruments... Continue »
Company Value

05/09/2016 - This service enables everyone who is involved in the buy-sell transaction of a firm to quickly get a highly reliable, objective and very discreet estimate of the economic and intellectual value of a company.Thanks to the appropriate use of several methodologies, MCQ Group consultants are able to define the objective value of an entrepreneurial activity from the historic, perspective, beneficial, and financial points of view, and then define a minimum and maximum price that sets a precise and... Continue »
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Where are we

piazza Europa n° 13 - PALERMO
via Danimarca n° 52 - PALERMO
Tel. 091 527489 - Fax 091 7778650
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P.IVA: 05901600824